Home, Community, Anywhere

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Committed To Improving Quality of Life

WYN Rehab is a unique rehab experience serving the Greater Seattle Area.  We provide therapy treatments you need in the locations that are most convenient for you.  At WYN Rehab we understand that there is more to rehab than routine exercises.  We are here to help you recover in your environment.

We get you back to doing the things you live to do!

What We Offer

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Maintenance Therapy, and more! 

Experienced Therapist

Our therapist are veteran therapist with years of experience in their fields

Freedom of Location

We work with people:

In home, at the gym, on the golf course, at the store, on the hiking trail, and everywhere in between.

Freedom Of Choice

Because you pay the bill, you choose the therapy.  No middleman to dictate your care. It’s what you need, where you need it!

Contact Us

Fill out the form below and we will contact you with more info.